WS Engendering Technologies

EnGendering Technologies (EGT) was organized for the first time in 2014 as a Special Track at Interaccion 2014, in Tenerife. The aim of EGT is to explore equal participation in the education, design, production and use of technologies, especially ICT, but also to demand innovative and more inclusive research, innovation and products. Technology and society complement each other: symbolic and cultural meanings guide the process of building technologies and, conversely, delineate new images and cultural practices.

Values, social relations and world views are inscribed in technologies and shape and maintain ideologies and gender identities, reproducing the idea that women are strangers to the world of technology, which is false. Changing the discourses, practices and values in the design process and the educational system should be the key to redefining traditional gender relations with technology. The objective is to achieve best practices and technological products to promote a positive gender impact. Giving a gender character to this creative process means participating in the design of a better common future.

A large body of research has traditionally focused on the exclusion of women from the fields of science and technology. These investigations point to several obstacles and challenges that hinder women’s access to knowledge, as well as jobs and the full participation of women in current technological development. However, some research has focused its attention on the processes of inclusion of women and their repercussions. In this sense, motivations, actions and mechanisms that helped the inclusion of women in technological fields have been explored. Similarly, the impacts of gender awareness and gender inclusion in the design, development and use of new technologies have been highlighted.

Furthermore, a growing body of research is exploring how gender and technologies fluidly and dynamically shape each other. The results show that both the challenges and the opportunities of technological and gender transformations are difficult to understand without a multidisciplinary approach. This is the approach that is promoted through Human-Computer Interaction in EGT.

Likewise, since 2018, the best work in the gender area has been nominated for the AIPO Mari Carmen Marcos Award.