- 10th CALL FOR TFG/TFM AWARDS – AIPO 2025The Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO) has opened the call for the 10th edition of the Competition for Final Degree Projects (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (IPO), with the aim of recognizing and rewarding the best student works that contribute to innovation and development…
- CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE XXV EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, 2025The call for papers for the 25th edition of the International Human-Computer Interaction Conference (Interaction 2025) has been published. The conference will be held at the Valladolid School of Computer Engineering, on the Miguel Delibes University Campus of the University of Valladolid, from Wednesday 3 to Friday 5 September 2025.…
- Future Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research: Towards the Year 2030Future Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research: Towards the Year 2030 is an edited collection of the best contributions presented at the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interaction 2023), held at the University of Lleida in early September 2023. The book’s editors are three GRIHO members from the University of Lleida.
- Online event for the 2024 AIPO 9th TFG/TFM Awards ceremony and professional Panel on IPOThe Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO) invites all AIPO members and those interested in technological innovation in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI, In Spanish IPO ) to an event taking place on September 26 at 17:30 (Madrid time). This event is being held to present the awards for the 9th Final Bachelor Project…
- New issue of Interacción, AIPO Digital MagazineThe association’s journal, “Interacción, Revista Digital de AIPO“, has recently published a new issue. This issue includes four articles on various topics, ranging from the use of virtual reality for science learning to language teaching. It also includes a special issue dedicated to a selection of papers from the 2023…
- Resolution for the 9th Edition of the AIPO Awards for the Best Bachelor’s and MasterThe Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO) has announced the winners of its 9th Competition for Final Degree Projects (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) within the scope of the IPO. After an exhaustive evaluation, the jury has decided to award the following prizes:
- Lourdes Moreno, Chair of AIPO, appointed expert member of the IFIP TC13 (Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction)Last September, Lourdes Moreno, Chair of AIPO, was appointed as an expert member of the Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP TC13). The IFIP, a leading global organization in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), is recognized by the United Nations…
- Call for Paper – Interacción 2024The XXIV edition of the International Human-Computer Congress (Interaction 2024) will take place in La Coruña (Galicia, Spain) on the campus of the University of La Coruña from June 19 to 21, 2024, under the auspices of the Association Human-Computer Interaction (AIPO), supported by the Spanish chapter of ACM SIGCHI…
- Publication of the study “Situation of women in computer science research in Spain”The study reveals that women with computer science degrees find it more difficult to carry out their work due to personal responsibilities and childcare. The report, funded by the Women’s Institute, analyzes the contextual and gender difficulties that women encounter in developing their professional careers. The study “The situation of…
- Interacción 2023 – ReportFrom September 4 to 6, the XXIII edition of the International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction was held. It has been organized by the GRIHO research group of the University of Lleida, with the support of the University of Lleida Foundation. The co-presidents, Toni Granollers and Montse Sendín, together with the…
- Resolved the 8th Final Degree Projects Contest (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) in HCI, Organized by AIPOAfter the evaluation of the different works received, the jury, made up of the Association’s Board of Directors, has resolved the 8th Final Degree Projects (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) Competition at IPO, convened by AIPO. Congratulations to the winners. The prizes will be awarded during the closing of…
- New issue of «Interacción» journalIn the association’s journal, “Interacción, AIPO digital journal“, a new monographic issue dedicated to a selection of works from the Human-Computer Interaction Conference 2022 that was held in October 2022 in Havana (Cuba) has recently been published. ). The invited editors have been Valéria Farinazzo Martins from the Mackenzie Presbyterian…
- Julio Abascal obtains the “José García Santesmases” National Computer Science Award 2023Our colleague Julio Abascal, professor of Computer Architecture and Technology at the University of the Basque Country, has obtained the 2023 National Computing Award in the “José García Santesmases” category, awarded by the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE) and the Fundación BBVA 2023. Its pioneering work in the field of…
- Call for Papers for the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACCIÓN 2023The call for contributions for the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction 2023, which will take place at the University of Lleida on September 4, 5 and 6, 2023, has already been published. Contributions can address any topic related to Human-Computer Interaction, in a broad sense, considering its multidisciplinary…
- New issue of «Interaction» journal, and call to papers for the next issueA new issue has recently been published in the association’s magazine, “Interacción”, which includes an invited article “From interaction with machines to collaboration with intelligent agents” by researcher José Cañas from the University of Granada and a monograph with a selection of articles from “Interaction 2022”, whose guest editors have…
- New members of AIPO boardWe have two new additions to the AIPO Board of Directors: Susana Bautista and Juan Enrique Garrido. Welcome! and we wish you the best in your chores for the Association and for the promotion of Human-Computer Interaction. Susana Bautista Blasco Dr. Susana Bautista Blasco, is a Computer Engineer (2007), has…
- New AIPO board electedOn September 8, within the framework of the 2022 Interaction Congress held at the the EP of the Teruel campus of the University of Zaragoza, the Assembly was held General of Partners 2022 and the elections were held as dictated by the statutes of the Association. As a result, the…
- Interacción 2022 ConferenceFrom September 7 to 9, the XXII edition of the International Congress of Human-Computer Interaction. It has been organized by the research groups AffectiveLab and EduQTech from the University of Zaragoza. The president of the congress, Jesus Gallardo, and committees have achieved a successful congress both from the point of…
- Nuevo número de la revista “Interacción”, y llamadas a la petición de artículos para nuevos númerosEn la revista de la asociación, “Interacción”, recientemente se ha publicado un nuevo número monográfico titulado “Arte e Interacción Persona-Ordenador”, cuyos editores invitados han sido Blanca Montalvo y Javier Artero de la Universidad de Málaga. Además, está abierta la petición de artículos a los dos próximos números, estos son: “Procesamiento…
- Resuelto el 7º Concurso de Trabajos Final de Grado (TFG) y Trabajos Final de Máster (TFM) en IPO, convocado por AIPO.Tras la evaluación realizada de los diferentes trabajos recibidos, el jurado, compuesto por la Junta Directiva de la Asociación, ha resuelto el 7º Concurso de Trabajos Final de Grado (TFG) y Trabajos Final de Máster (TFM) en IPO, convocado por AIPO. Enhorabuena a los premiados. Los premios serán entregados durante…
- Congreso Interacción 22La XXII edición del Congreso Internacional de Persona-Ordenador (Interacción 2022), tendrá lugar en Teruel (Aragón, España), en el campus de la Universidad de Zaragoza, del 7 al 9 de septiembre de 2022, con el auspicio de la Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO), el apoyo del capítulo español de ACM SIGCHI (CHISPA)…
- Llamada al envío de artículos sección especial: “Arte e Interacción Persona Ordenador (IPO)”En la revista Interacción, revista digital de AIPO, estamos preparando un monográfico de arte y diseño. Los editores invitados son Blanca Montalvo y Javier Artero (Universidad de Málaga, España). Abrimos la convocatoria para la recepción de artículos realizados desde el campo de las prácticas artísticas, el diseño, la historia del…
- Valeria Farinazzo, Nueva Vocal- Representante de Iberoamérica en la Junta Directiva de AIPODesde AIPO damos la bienvenida a Valeria Farinazzo Martins, como Vocal representante de Iberoamérica en la Junta directiva. Valéria Farinazzo Martins tiene licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1995) – Brasil, maestría en Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidade Federal…
- Publicación nuevo número Interacción, Revista Digital de AIPOSe ha publicado un nuevo número de la revista Interacción, Revista Digital de AIPO (Vol. 2, Núm 2) .Este número incluye dos secciones, una de artículos de investigación y otra de presentación de grupos de investigación. Todos los trabajos han sido seleccionados de acuerdo a criterios de impacto y calidad de…
- Agradecimiento especial a César Collazos por su trayectoria al frente de la vocalía de LatinoaméricaLa Junta Directiva de AIPO hace un reconocimiento especial al Dr. César A. Collazos por su dilatada trayectoria representando la vocalía de Latinoamérica en la junta de la asociación. AIPO nace con la voluntad de representar al rango más amplio posible de personas relacionadas con la disciplina de la Interacción…