Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador


AIPO is a professional association open to all people interested in Human-Computer Interaction. Its objectives are to promote and disseminate Human-Computer Interaction and serve as a link between scientists and professionals who carry out activities in this field.


Foto de un portatil junto a un diploma y libross

Resolution for the 9th Edition of the AIPO Awards for the Best Bachelor’s and Master

La Asociación de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO) ha anunciado los ganadores de su 9º Concurso de Trabajos de Fin de Grado ...
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Fotografia de Lourdes Moreno con rollup de AIPO

Lourdes Moreno, Chair of AIPO, appointed expert member of the IFIP TC13 (Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction)

Last September, Lourdes Moreno, Chair of AIPO, was appointed as an expert member of the Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction ...
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Logotipo Congreso Interacción 2024

Call for Paper – Interacción 2024

The XXIV edition of the International Human-Computer Congress (Interaction 2024) will take place in La Coruña (Galicia, Spain) on the ...
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Informe situación mujer en investigación en España

Publication of the study “Situation of women in computer science research in Spain”

The study reveals that women with computer science degrees find it more difficult to carry out their work due to ...
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Participantes en Interacción 2023

Interacción 2023 – Report

From September 4 to 6, the XXIII edition of the International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction was held. It has been ...
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Premios TFG/TFM

Resolved the 8th Final Degree Projects Contest (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) in HCI, Organized by AIPO

After the evaluation of the different works received, the jury, made up of the Association's Board of Directors, has resolved ...
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Portada revista Interacción

New issue of «Interacción» journal

In the association's journal, "Interacción, AIPO digital journal", a new monographic issue dedicated to a selection of works from the ...
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Julio Abascal

Julio Abascal obtains the “José García Santesmases” National Computer Science Award 2023

Our colleague Julio Abascal, professor of Computer Architecture and Technology at the University of the Basque Country, has obtained the ...
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Logo de Interacción 2023

Call for Papers for the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACCIÓN 2023

The call for contributions for the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction 2023, which will take place at the ...
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