The call for papers for the 25th edition of the International Human-Computer Interaction Conference (Interaction 2025) has been published. The conference will be held at the Valladolid School of Computer Engineering, on the Miguel Delibes University Campus of the University…
Portada Future Perspective on HCI Research

Future Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research: Towards the Year 2030

Future Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research: Towards the Year 2030 is an edited collection of the best contributions presented at the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interaction 2023), held at the University of Lleida in early September 2023. The book’s editors are three GRIHO members from the University of Lleida.
tres estudiantes mirando un ordenador portatil

Online event for the 2024 AIPO 9th TFG/TFM Awards ceremony and professional Panel on IPO

The Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO) invites all AIPO members and those interested in technological innovation in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI, In Spanish IPO ) to an event taking place on September 26 at 17:30 (Madrid time). This event is being held…
Logo Revista Interacción

New issue of Interacción, AIPO Digital Magazine

The association’s journal, “Interacción, Revista Digital de AIPO“, has recently published a new issue. This issue includes four articles on various topics, ranging from the use of virtual reality for science learning to language teaching. It also includes a special…
Foto de un portatil junto a un diploma y libross

Resolution for the 9th Edition of the AIPO Awards for the Best Bachelor’s and Master

The Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO) has announced the winners of its 9th Competition for Final Degree Projects (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) within the scope of the IPO. After an exhaustive evaluation, the jury has decided to award the…
Fotografia de Lourdes Moreno con rollup de AIPO

Lourdes Moreno, Chair of AIPO, appointed expert member of the IFIP TC13 (Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction)

Last September, Lourdes Moreno, Chair of AIPO, was appointed as an expert member of the Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP TC13). The IFIP, a leading global organization in the field of Information…
Informe situación mujer en investigación en España

Publication of the study “Situation of women in computer science research in Spain”

The study reveals that women with computer science degrees find it more difficult to carry out their work due to personal responsibilities and childcare. The report, funded by the Women’s Institute, analyzes the contextual and gender difficulties that women encounter…