The Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO) has opened the call for the 10th edition of the Competition for Final Degree Projects (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (IPO), with the aim of recognizing and rewarding…
Author: Víctor Manuel
The call for papers for the 25th edition of the International Human-Computer Interaction Conference (Interaction 2025) has been published. The conference will be held at the Valladolid School of Computer Engineering, on the Miguel Delibes University Campus of the University…
Future Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research: Towards the Year 2030
Future Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research: Towards the Year 2030 is an edited collection of the best contributions presented at the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interaction 2023), held at the University of Lleida in early September 2023. The book’s editors are three GRIHO members from the University of Lleida.
New issue of Interacción, AIPO Digital Magazine
The association’s journal, “Interacción, Revista Digital de AIPO“, has recently published a new issue. This issue includes four articles on various topics, ranging from the use of virtual reality for science learning to language teaching. It also includes a special…
Publication of the study “Situation of women in computer science research in Spain”
The study reveals that women with computer science degrees find it more difficult to carry out their work due to personal responsibilities and childcare. The report, funded by the Women’s Institute, analyzes the contextual and gender difficulties that women encounter…
Interacción 2023 – Report
From September 4 to 6, the XXIII edition of the International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction was held. It has been organized by the GRIHO research group of the University of Lleida, with the support of the University of Lleida Foundation.…
Resolved the 8th Final Degree Projects Contest (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) in HCI, Organized by AIPO
After the evaluation of the different works received, the jury, made up of the Association’s Board of Directors, has resolved the 8th Final Degree Projects (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) Competition at IPO, convened by AIPO. Congratulations to the…
New issue of «Interacción» journal
In the association’s journal, “Interacción, AIPO digital journal“, a new monographic issue dedicated to a selection of works from the Human-Computer Interaction Conference 2022 that was held in October 2022 in Havana (Cuba) has recently been published. ). The invited…
Julio Abascal obtains the “José García Santesmases” National Computer Science Award 2023
Our colleague Julio Abascal, professor of Computer Architecture and Technology at the University of the Basque Country, has obtained the 2023 National Computing Award in the “José García Santesmases” category, awarded by the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE) and the…
Call for Papers for the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACCIÓN 2023
The call for contributions for the XXIII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction 2023, which will take place at the University of Lleida on September 4, 5 and 6, 2023, has already been published. Contributions can address any topic related…