We have two new additions to the AIPO Board of Directors: Susana Bautista and Juan Enrique Garrido. Welcome! and we wish you the best in your chores for the Association and for the promotion of Human-Computer Interaction.

Susana Bautista Blasco
Dr. Susana Bautista Blasco, is a Computer Engineer (2007), has a Master’s degree in Informatics Research (2008) and she defended her doctoral thesis in 2015 at the Complutense University of Madrid. During her thesis, she did two stays
pre-doctoral studies, one at the Open University in the United Kingdom, and the other at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. She then did a postdoctoral stay in 2015 at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She made another postdoctoral stay in the European project FoTRRIS-H2020, in the field of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI, in English) working in the area of accessibility and with a focus on the group of women with disabilities. She has been working for years in the area of Human Computer Interaction, in the of people with disabilities, in particular people with autism. Currently, she is a teacher and researcher at the Higher Polytechnic School of the Francisco de Vitoria University, in Madrid, Spain. She has participated in different national and international projects and is the author of many scientific articles at conferences and magazines in her area.

Juan Enrique Garrido Navarro
Juan Enrique is Lecturer / Doctor Assistant in the Department of Computer Science and Industrial Engineering of the University of Lleida and member of the Interaction Group Human-Computer and Data Integration (GRIHO). In addition, he is a member of the Group of Special Interest in HCI of ACM (SIGCHI) and of the Latin American and Spanish network
in HCI (HCI Collab). Currently, Juan Enrique is coordinator of the “Master in Design of User Experience”, an official interuniversity and international program, totally online, organized by the University of Lleida and UNAD (Colombia). Juan Enrique has focused his research on Human-Computer Interaction in user experience, awareness and natural interaction. He has made two stays outside of Spain, at the University of St. Andrews (Scotland) and at the University of Toulouse III (France). Together with these entities he has collaborated with different universities such as the University of Cauca (Colombia), University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ulster University (Ireland) or FACENS (Brazil). Juan Enrique’s teaching experience has focused on Human-Person Interaction. Computer, Data Structures, Management and Improvement of Quality and Management of Computer Projects. In 2019, he obtained the “Joan Gimbert” Teaching distinction in recognition of the quality of his teaching at the University of Lleida.