Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador


Online event for the 2024 AIPO 9th TFG/TFM Awards ceremony and professional Panel on IPO

Online event for the 2024 AIPO 9th TFG/TFM Awards ceremony and professional Panel on IPO

The Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO) invites all AIPO members and those interested in technological innovation in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI, In Spanish IPO ) to an event taking place on September 26 at 17:30 (Madrid time).

This event is being held to present the awards for the 9th Final Bachelor Project (TFG) and Final Master’s Project (TFM) Competition in the field of HCI.


  • 17:30 – Opening and awards presentation:

AIPO’s Vice President, Sandra Baldassarri (University of Zaragoza), will open the event and introduce the winners, who will present their projects:

    • Best TFM Award: Mario Andreu Villar, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, “Reconocimiento de gestos heterogéneos para la interacción natural en aplicaciones de realidad mixta mediante técnicas de aprendizaje profundo”.
    • Best TFG Award:: Adnana Catrinel Dragut, Universidad de Zaragoza,  “Uso de agentes conversacionales en la mejora del bienestar de las personas mayores”.
    • Accésit TFG: Álvaro Becerra Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,  “Sistema informático de captura de datos multimodales para mejorar el aprendizaje de estudiantes de un curso online”.
  • Professional Panel: “Innovations in Human-Computer Interaction and their impact on the industry”

Moderated by José Ignacio Panach (University of Valencia, member of AIPO’s Executive Board), this panel will feature:

    • Alessandro Rugim Assis, Director of AI Technology Consulting at Microsoft Contact Center (Brazil)
    • Javier de la Plaza, Director of User Experience, MTP.
    • Silvana V. Orio, Operations Director, ADD Informática (institutional partner of AIPO).

This panel will discuss key issues related to the adoption of new technologies, the relationship between academia and industry, and the future of Human-Computer Interaction, focusing on topics such as the well-being of the elderly, mixed reality, and online learning.

The event will be live-streamed on YouTube, in collaboration with AIPO’s partner society, HCI-Collab (Collaborative Network to Support Teaching-Learning Processes in the Field of Human-Computer Interaction in Ibero-America), whom we thank for their support and collaboration.

Live stream URL