Be a member

Formulario de inscripción

Todos los campos son obligatorios.

1. Datos personales

2. Cuenta usuario

Las Contraseñas no coinciden, vuelve a intentar !

3. Datos de inscripción

The validity of the enrollment in AIPO expires at the end of the calendar year (December of the current year). If the payment has not been made by direct debit, from the month of November the registration can be renewed by paying the corresponding annual fee. To avoid expenses and setbacks, it is recommended to use direct debit. It is recalled that Article V.10 of the statutes says: Membership will be lost: … Due to non-payment of the established fees.

Instructions for the incorporation of new partners with fee payment by transfer or direct debit.

Instructions for Paypal anual fee payment (just iberoamerican members)

New member (fee payment by transfer)

Requests for new direct debits are processed once a year, in the regular renewal period. The registration of new members will be carried out following the following steps:

    1. Annual fee

  • Individual members: 30 euros
  • Students: 12 euros

    2. Electronic pre-registration

Fill in the form available at: Formulario de inscripción.

    3. Payment of the fee

The annual fee will be paid by bank transfer to the following Banco de Santander account: IBAN in electronic format: ES7000496729222716120012 IBAN in paper format: IBAN ES70 0049 6729 2227 1612 0012

Remember that if you want to indicate the IBAN of your account in a document in paper format, you must add the word IBAN at the beginning.

    4. Payment confirmation

In order for the registration to be valid, proof of the payment made will be verified, for which proof of the transfer must be sent to the following email address: and

New member (fee payment by transfer)

    1. Annual fee

  • Individual members: 30 euros
  • Students: 12 euros

   2. Electronic pre-registration

Fill in the form available at: Formulario de inscripción.

    3. Download direct debit form

Fill in direct debit form: Hoja de domiciliación

    4. Send direct debit form (filled in and signed) to addressed to Francisco Luís Gutiérrez Vela, AIPO Treasurer.

For any question:

AIPO Secretary ( or  treasurer (

Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas, Edificio Ada Byron
Campus Río Ebro – Universidad de Zaragoza
c/ María de Luna, 1
50018 Zaragoza

Direct debit of the annual fee

Requests for new direct debits are processed once a year, in the regular renewal period.

    1. Annual fee

  • Annual fee Individual members: 30 euros
  • Students: 12 euros

    2. Download the direct debit sheet

    3. Send the direct debit sheet (filled out and signed) by email to to the attention of Francisco Luís Gutiérrez Vela, Treasurer of AIPO.

For any question,

AIPO Secretariat (

Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas, Edificio Ada Byron
Campus Río Ebro – Universidad de Zaragoza
c/ María de Luna, 1
50018 Zaragoza

Payment of annual fee by transfer

The validity of the enrollment in AIPO expires at the end of the calendar year (December of the current year). From the month of November, registration can be renewed by paying the corresponding annual fee.

    1. Annual fee

  • Annual fee Individual members: 30 euros
  • Students: 12 euros

    2. Payment

The annual fee will be paid by transfer to the Santander Bank account:

  • IBAN in electronic format: ES7000496729222716120012
  • IBAN in paper format:  IBAN ES70 0049 6729 2227 1612 0012

Remember that if you want to indicate the IBAN of your account in a document in paper format, you must add the word IBAN at the beginning.

    3. Payment confirmation

For the registration to be valid, proof of the payment made will be verified, for which proof of the transfer must be sent to the following address:

Secretaría AIPO (

Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas, Edificio Ada Byron
Campus Río Ebro – Universidad de Zaragoza
c/ María de Luna, 1
50018 Zaragoza

Payment of new registrations and renewals from Latin America

To facilitate the payment of renewals and new registrations of members from Latin American countries, payment can be made through “Paypal”. To make the payment, you can use the following links, depending on the type of registration: Fee for normal Member (32 USD per year).

Cuota para Socio estudiante (13 USD anual).

Once the payment has been made, send a confirmation email including proof of payment to and